Is the progam for you? > Is this your situation?

The program is designed for small to mid-size companies that are ready to take the next step in growth, profitability and success.

Businesses are typically started by a few key people who operate as a team. Motivation and commitment are high. Communication is easy.

With success comes growth and change. New people come on board. Roles expand, complexity increases.

the hidden barrier
At some point you begin to outgrow your management structure. The resulting "symptoms" seem to be everywhere. Many of us feel bad. We assume it’s our fault. It’s not. In fact, it’s a natural result of our success.

Has Your Company Outgrown its Management Structure?

Take the Readiness Profile Now

Few management teams see the barrier coming. It happens gradually and over time. You feel "trapped on a treadmill" and don't realize why. We know. It’s happened to us too.
197 of 200  

A Harvard Business School study of the 200 largest companies had a surprising result. Fully 197 of them were started and grown by entrepreneurs.

At one time they all faced the same problems that you face today. Each one had to develop a management structure they could grow with.
As CEOs, owners and senior management we cannot ignore symptoms such as people problems, cash flow issues, or unhappy customers. So we look for advice. Perhaps it’s a friend, a CEO group, a consultant or a sympathetic spouse.

We assume it’s our fault. It’s not.

But, even if the advice helps you reduce one of the symptoms, it rarely cures the underlying cause. Another symptom soon replaces it. For example, your cash flow issue may be replaced by a "people problem" or an unhappy customer.
It was out of our own frustration as CEOs and business owners that drove us to try to unlock the Secrets of America’s Most Successful Companies. How did these top companies solve this dilemma?  
Based on extensive research on over 700 small to mid-sized companies, we isolated seven critical Success Factors. Some made immediate sense. Others involved surprising insights.
Learn How the Program was Developed

When companies had these Success Factors in place, growth, profitability and market recognition seemed to follow. When even partially absent, companies struggled and failed to reach their potential.

Companies with all of the Success Factors in place
were almost four times as profitable.

Companies grew almost six times as fast when all
Success Factors were in place.


Implementing the Success Factors can have a dramatic impact on your business.

Your management structure becomes scalable. Growth, profitability and satisfaction increase dramatically. You’re back in control of your destiny. This surge in success is what we call the Gemini Effect.

Secrets of America’s Most Successful Companies is an easy to follow step-by-step program to implement the Success Factors in your company.

How will the Success Factors change my company?   
Learn More

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